Just thought I would write up my installation experiences on Ubuntu 24.04 following this guide as much as possible: Virtualenv Installation - Mailman Suite 3.3 documentation (mailman3.org)<https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/install/virtualenv.html>
Ubuntu packages:
I'm trying not to install dev packages on the server if possible and managed to get away with the following packages:
python3-psycopg2 sassc lynx python3-venv python3-certbot-nginx postgresql exim4-daemon-light
Creating the venv:
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages --symlinks venv
This creates the venv referencing the system packages as well which is useful as some of the dependencies for Mailman are met by the Certbot and python3-psycopg2 packages.
Using Pip I installed the following packages:
pip install mailman mailman-hyperkitty mailman-web
I ran into an issue with the database after running `mailman-web migrate`. This was because a newer version of Django pulled in from the above command needed some tables creating in the public schema, and from Postgres 15 (Ubuntu ships with Postgres 16) that isn't allowed by default. I solved this by making the Mailman role owner of the mailman database. I am aware of discussions around whether its best to do this or give explicit perms on the databases to allow all on the public schema, but I decided to go with this option.
My Postgres commands are now:
sudo -u postgres psql
create database mailman;
create user mailman with encrypted password '[...]';
ALTER DATABASE mailman OWNER TO mailman;
I ran into an issue with a newer Django installation not allowing any form submission, was getting a 403 returned due to CSRF protection failure. I resolved this by adding this line to my local Settings.py:
I moved back to using Gunicorn for the backend server, the instructions on this were spot on.
I've had this error before but the mailman-web compilemessages command failed because of missing msgfmt. I think I can pull this in from Ubuntu packages but may need to update installation docs with this extra package requirement.
I continued to use Woosh as I'm running a very low traffic site and that is what comes with Mailman-Web as part of package requirements.
Thanks for the good support as always guys.