I need to set all the DMARC settings on are lists to "replace from with list address".
Is there an easy want to do this via cli? I could do it by viewing the web interface but we have a lot of lists.
I have deleted a list (list(a)nog.ke) - list_id = list.nog.ke.
I can see from Django Admin UI that the archives are still intact.
I created a new list (list(a)lists.nog.ke) - list_id = list.lists.nog.ke
Is there a way to move the archives from the old list to the new list?
Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
In an Internet failure case, the #1 suspect is a constant: DNS.
"Oh, the cruft.", egrep -v '^$|^.*#' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-)
[How to ask smart questions:
Hi All
I'm getting errors when a custom "Welcome message" template is in place
Case: Subscribing a new user via the admin "Mass subscribe".
Although the new user is successfully subscribed, a welcome message is
not sent and the following error message displays on the webpage.
HTTP Error 400: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8000): Read
timed out. (read timeout=5)
And the site-owner receives an email with ...
Internal Server Error: /mailman3/lists/
DoesNotExist at /mailman3/lists/
Site matching query does not exist.
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://<REDACTED-PUBLIC-IPv4-ADDRESS>/mailman3/lists/
Django Version: 4.2.11
Python Executable: /opt/mailman/venv/bin/python3
Python Version: 3.11.2
... etc ...
Regarding the second line in the email - my thinking is that it should
be looking in "/opt/mailman/mm/var/lists" and not "/mailman3/lists/".
If that's right, where would I look to change that directive? If not,
any other clues would be greatly appreciated.
The error doesn't occur if the is no custom "Welcome message" template -
ie. the user is sent the default welcome message.
$ mailman info
GNU Mailman 3.3.9 (Tom Sawyer)
Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0]
config file: /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg
REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/