June 1, 2021
3:40 p.m.
blackout69 writes:
After writing to postmaster@simail.it, today I was contacted by the technical assistance of mail.simail.it From today we are back in the whitelist :)
Great! I'm glad we could be of help. Thank you for the update. It's always nice to hear about the successes, and I guess we can add simail to the "good guys or at least responsive" list. :-)
The problem was caused by them. For some reason our server mail.catania.linux.it was in their blacklist.
That happens, even if you do everything right. I think you are doing everything right, so don't worry. And if you happen to have a similar problem, or a colleague or friend does, now you know how to deal with (even though it's still annoying.
Regards, Steve