how to migrate mailing lists to a new domain using mailman 3

In a few days my current domain will be disabled (it is out of my control) and I would like to know how to migrate the mailing lists to the new domain name.
As a solution I added a new domain in mailman 3 and created a script that replicates the lists in this new domain. To forward the emails received by the old lists, the script removes the members and adds the email of the new list.
Is there a fashionable way to do that?
Also, one problem that I don't have a solution is the archive of the old lists. How to bring them to the new ones?
Thanks for your help.
My mailing list server is running on a CenOS-7x with postgreSQL and the following mailman packages:
Package Version
------------------- ----------
1 aiosmtpd 1.2.4
2 alembic 1.5.3
3 arrow 0.17.0
4 asgiref 3.3.1
5 atpublic 2.1.2
6 authheaders 0.13.0
7 authres 1.2.0
8 bleach 3.3.0
9 blessed 1.17.12
10 certifi 2020.12.5
11 cffi 1.14.4
12 chardet 4.0.0
13 click 7.1.2
14 cmarkgfm 0.5.2
15 cryptography 3.3.1
16 decorator 4.4.2
17 defusedxml 0.6.0
18 Django 3.0.12
19 django-allauth 0.44.0
20 django-appconf 1.0.4
21 django-compressor 2.4
22 django-extensions 3.1.0
23 django-gravatar2 1.4.4
24 django-haystack 3.0
25 django-mailman3 1.3.5
26 django-picklefield 3.0.1
27 django-q 1.3.4
28 djangorestframework 3.12.2
29 dkimpy 1.0.5
30 dnspython 2.1.0
31 docutils 0.16
32 falcon 2.0.0
33 flufl.bounce 3.0.1
34 flufl.i18n 2.0.2
35 flufl.lock 3.2
36 gunicorn 20.0.4
37 HyperKitty 1.3.3
38 idna 2.10
39 importlib-resources 5.1.0
40 lazr.config 2.2.3
41 lazr.delegates 2.0.4
42 mailman 3.3.2
43 mailman-hyperkitty 1.1.0
44 mailman-web 0.0.3
45 mailmanclient 3.3.2
46 Mako 1.1.4
47 MarkupSafe 1.1.1
48 networkx 2.5
49 nose 1.3.7
50 oauthlib 3.1.0
51 packaging 20.9
52 passlib 1.7.4
53 pip 21.0.1
54 postorius 1.3.3
55 psycopg2-binary 2.8.6
56 publicsuffix2 2.20191221
57 pycparser 2.20
58 Pygments 2.7.4
59 PyJWT 2.0.1
60 pyparsing 2.4.7
61 python-dateutil 2.8.1
62 python-editor 1.0.4
63 python3-openid 3.2.0
64 pytz 2021.1
65 rcssmin 1.0.6
66 readme-renderer 28.0
67 requests 2.25.1
68 requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
69 rjsmin 1.1.0
70 robot-detection 0.4
71 setuptools 39.2.0
72 six 1.15.0
73 SQLAlchemy 1.3.23
74 sqlparse 0.4.1
75 typing-extensions
76 urllib3 1.26.3
77 uWSGI
78 wcwidth 0.2.5
79 webencodings 0.5.1
80 wheel 0.36.2
81 Whoosh 2.7.4
82 zipp 3.4.0
83 zope.component 4.6.2
84 zope.configuration 4.4.0
85 zope.deferredimport 4.3.1
86 zope.deprecation 4.4.0
87 zope.event 4.5.0
88 zope.hookable 5.0.1
89 zope.i18nmessageid 5.0.1
90 zope.interface 5.2.0
91 zope.proxy 4.3.5
92 zope.schema 6.0.1
-- Carlos Souza

Have migrated your mailman mailing list and archive? I'm in a same setup now.
participants (2)
C. Souza
Mark Labeste