Today was the 2nd time mailman stopped sending out mail, it receives mail but sends nothing out. To resolve the issue I restarted the mailman services and then all the incoming/queued mail was sent out... last time this happened was 21 days ago.... Before that, it has been rock solid for years.
We are running in a docker environment with no recent changes.
On the host in /var/log/maillog, I see the mail coming in and going to mailman in docker.
for docker, the mailman logs are in /opt/mailman/core/var/logs
in /opt/mailman/core/var/logs/smtp.log ---------- I see the messages coming in /opt/mailman/core/var/logs/debug.log ------------ is empty /opt/mailman/core/var/logs/mailman.log -------------- I do not see anything that looks like it had an issue
So where can I look to try to determine a cause? If it happens again, what and where can I cook to troubleshoot before restarting the service?