July 9, 2018
8:49 a.m.
$ mailman shell -l junk@msapiro.net Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell The variable 'm' is the junk@msapiro.net mailing list
m.moderator_password from mailman.config import config m.moderator_password = config.password_context. encrypt('xxx123').encode('us-ascii') m.moderator_password b'$6$rounds=656000$SKMqTlPybIZSBjYB$wCga5qALCv8oobp4cDql2iKEg8T6qI gk8XEKYbkk9QXENeFQDHZ1M4AtmqfureYQDB5g.Az.nZPrWAr9N9g1N0' commit()
Thank you, this worked permanently. Now, how can I loop through all 700 lists and change the list password on all of them?