TL;DR is there a scriptable way to get all users that have registered in my mailman3 (3.2.1) instance and which lists they are subscribed to (if any)?
longer version:
we are running Mailman3-3.2.1 as shipped with Debian/buster (i know that this is not the newest version; at this point, please refrain from asking me to upgrade my Debian installation or even to switch to a venv installation of mailman3: i'll eventually do that but right now i've gt a problem to solve :-))
a few weeks ago, we invited a number of people to join a new mailinglist via a link that points to the subscription interface of the list, e.g. <https://lists.example.com/postorious/lists/foo.lists.example.com/>
now of course a number of these people had problems with the webinterface, confusing the big "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the page with the much smaller "Sign Up" button in the header (in German this button reads "Registrieren" which has a meaning that is pretty similar to "Subscribe"). people that "Signed up" typically do not understand that they have not been subscribed to any mailinglist (yet), wondering why they do not get any emails. at least this is what we suspect from feedback we got.
to fix the situtation, i would like to check which users had this problem (and eventually contact them to explain the problem).
for this i would like to get a listing of all users that are not subscribed to any mailinglist. i would also like to query, when a given user has signed up (so i can reduce the number of false positives)
how would i do that? ideally i would rather not work on an SQL level.
gfdmfas IOhannes