Am 24. April 2018 um 18:31 Uhr -0000 schrieb dsd.trash@gmail.com:
You can trick a bit and set GRAVATAR_URL and GRAVATAR_SECURE_URL to a address with the special IP-address "". This IP-Address is intended for documentation and example purposes and normally ends in nowhere.
Thanks for the tip, that's a good idea and I'm probably going to deal with the problem that way. Actually, as long as the configured endpoint is compatible with Gravatar's API, one could set it to one's own server and use one's own avatar system.
This might not be compliant to RFCs, but at least you comply with GDPR.
I don't think there's an RFC for Gravatar, because it's a commercial service. I would actually appreciate it if there was an RFC that standardised how to retrieve global avatars decentrally, i.e. in a way that allows to self-host the avatar image. I've always viewed centralised services as a problem for the Internet...
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