Hello together,
I migrated a number of lists from mailman2 to mailman3 using the import functionality. Everthing works fine and the new lists are in use. Currently I´m using the maxking-docker-images with postorius: Mailman Core Version GNU Mailman 3.3.3 (Tom Sawyer) Mailman Core API Version 3.1 Mailman Core Python Version 3.8.5 (default, Feb 19 2021, 09:27:16) [GCC 9.3.0]
After this migration I started a refactoring with the list-styles specially with message-footers. Already the old lists in mailman2 were confused in some configuration details an I was clear to import this "misconfiguration" and clean it up afterwards. But this was much more difficult than expected: some lists are using a footer (from the mailman2-config) and there is no record in the template-section visible. Further I found no configuration item which points to this "old" footer.
I found the file [code] /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mailman/templates/de/list:member:generic:footer.txt [/code] which includes the old footer: [code]
$display_name Mailingliste -- $listname Zur Abmeldung von dieser Mailingliste senden Sie eine Nachricht an ${short_listname}-leave@${domain} [/code]
but no configuration item to disable this behaviour. I created a new template list:member:regular:footer for the list to override the footer. But the old footer is still used - in detail: the resulting message sent to all subcribers of the list contains only the footer and the content sent to the list is an attachement of that "footer-message". This is the basic reason why I want to change it.
In the logfiles I found an error and a warning: [code] ERROR 2021-05-24 16:22:22,895 1648 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'tgc_mailman_web:8000'. The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035. WARNING 2021-05-24 16:22:22,896 1648 django.request Bad Request: /postorius/api/templates/list/homepage.gruppe.tgcamberg1848.de/list:member:regular:footer [/code]
Obviously I have a problem with the hostname. I set [code] POSTORIUS_TEMPLATE_BASE_URL=http://tgc_mailman_web:8000 [/code] where tgc_mailman_web is my container name. This URL ist stored in the DB-table "template" for the name=list:member:regular:footer. A call to my fqdn or to localhost [code] wget http://localhost:8000/postorius/api/templates/list/homepage.gruppe.tgcamberg... [/code] will return the footer itself - this works fine. Therefore, should i set POSTORIUS_TEMPLATE_BASE_URL to http://localhost:8000?
I think, resolving this issue will use the newly configured footer. But I started with the intention to remove alle footers due to the attachement situation described above.
Does anybody have an idea how to change the configuration of my list? Are these problems probably related to the import? Currently we are using more then 25 lists with a lot of users. Manually recreating all lists is not possible an could only be a test for a single list.
Best regards, chrclaus