Ok, don’t throw any more away! If you really don't recommend the Debian packaged solution, I just have one question: Why have you included it in the Debian "main" repositories for so long? Just a quick thought: In a production setting it is essential to have consistent alert reporting of security updates for all installed packages. As we cannot spend our time scrutinizing the lists of these tools tool by tool (snap, virtualenv, docker, appimage, etc.) it is much more efficient to rely on the system managed and deployed by the OS if it this is serious; and this is the case of Debian. Either, I will contact the packaging manager and discuss with him but I must admit that your reactions of disintegration do not bode well for the future. Sincerely
Le 19 déc. 2023 à 17:24, Jörg Schulz <info@joergschulz.de> a écrit :
Additionally, in my feeling, the docker way is the easiest one - see https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman
Am 19.12.23 um 17:01 schrieb Odhiambo Washington:
(...) We (I am not including the MM3 Developers) are very happy to poke our noses into MM3 issues if they followed this documentation: https://docs.list.org/en/latest/install/virtualenv.html#virtualenv-install If not that, then it means you used your OS packages system and that is - well - not easy to help with as it's got several ways to break.
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-- Pierre Malard « - Il n'y a que trois éléments indispensables à la vie. Et il n'y a que les scientifiques pour penser que c'est l'oxygène, l'hydrogène et le carbone... - Quoi alors ? L'eau, l'air et le feu ? - Non ! Le désir, le désordre et le danger... » Manon Briand ; La turbulence des fluides (film québécois de 2001) |\ _,,,---,,_ /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) πr perl -e '$_=q#: 3|\ 5_,3-3,2_: 3/,`.'"'"'`'"'"' 5-. ;-;;,_: |,A- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'"'"'-'"'"': '"'"'-3'"'"'2(_/--'"'"' `-'"'"'\_): 24πr::#;y#:#\n#;s#(\D)(\d+)#$1x$2#ge;print' - --> Ce message n’engage que son auteur <-- ___________________________________________ Mailman's content filtering has removed the following MIME parts from this message. Replaced multipart/alternative part with first alternative.