I ran the "/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic" again, sadly without the --verbose, and it kicked out the digests as it ought to have the first time. Now I have to wait for some list traffic to come in to "recharge" the digests so I have something to test with again.
On 6/13/2023 1:46 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 6/13/23 09:42, Joel Lord wrote:
Now I'm on one of the lists in digest mode and I can see that it's a mess. Periodic digests are definitely NOT working, so I'll lay that out here. ... root@host2:/# grep digests /var/log/cron.log Jun 11 23:00:01 host2 CRON[1632765]: (lists) CMD (/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic) Jun 12 23:00:01 host2 CRON[2177286]: (lists) CMD (/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic)
root@host2:/home/members/directory# su - lists lists@host2:~$ /usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic lists@host2:~$ ls var/lists/<list>/ digest.mmdf
If there is nothing in Mailman's mailman.log, I don't know what the issue is unless the list's digest_send_periodic flag is False.
How can I try and track this down?
Try manually running
/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic --verbose
to get more info. Also try
/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --send --verbose
to see what it reports and whether it sends the digest.
-- Joel Lord