Bryan Fields writes:
I've had a request to setup this for a mm3 list. It looks like it's supported from the config files,
From the comments in the implementation files, I would say that no consideration has been given to private archives. I don't know how MHonArc handles that, so if it's a concern I can only warn you to be careful.
but I'm at a loss for exactly how to go about this. Has anyone setup this with mm3 and can provide an overview?
I haven't set it up. However, what I would do is
Copy .../mailman/config/mhonarc.cfg to /etc/mailman3 (or wherever you keep mailman.cfg).
Edit base_url and command in /etc/mailman3/mhonarc.cfg. base_url may already be appropriate for your system, but the "/path/to/archive" part of command will need to be adjusted. $hostname, $listname, and $fqdn_listname are variables supplied by Mailman at runtime. I don't know enough about MHonArc to say if the usage of $listname (just the local part of the posting address) and $fqdn_listname (posting address including domain) is appropriate. I would think you'd want to use the same variable in both places, so be careful.
Create any directories in "/path/to/archive" that MHonArc won't, and make sure they have appropriate ownership and search ("x") permissions all the way down.
Check that your webserver is configured to serve MHonArc at the location specified in base_url.
Add the stanza
[archiver.mhonarc] enable: yes configuration: /etc/mailman3/mhonarc.cfg
to /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg
(Recommended) Mailman is perfectly happy to supply several archivers at the same time so add
[archiver.prototype] enable: yes
to mailman.cfg. This drops all the posts into a maildir somewhere under $var_dir as a backup in case the MHonArc archiving doesn't work, and nothing else -- it's not a usable archive for browsing. I guess there's probably a way to import them back into MHonArc, but if not presumably you can script it usng some variant of the command in mhonarc.cfg. Once the MHonArc configuration is doing the right thing you can disable it and delete the maildir contents. (Don't just "rm -rf $var_dir/archive", though -- Mailman uses that to queue messages being archived. I think archiver.prototype uses $var_dir/archive/prototype as its maildir.)
Restart Mailman.
I don't think you need to do anything for Postorius, it will fetch the base_url from Mailman to populate the archive links. And that should do it on the Mailman side (except for the caveat about private archives).