Firstly, a repeat that I have a relatively broken (and soon to be fixed, I hope) installation of mailman3 based on Ubuntu 18.04 distrib packages (3.1.1-9) that stumbles along by me dealing with a bunch of things by hand that I hope'll go away once I'm up to the current version.
In this set-up, I get a fair number of items shunted. Since I have this wonky version where stuff isn't always exposed in the web interface, I have to fix these things by hand. An example is that something gets shunted because of too many recipients, where I do:
sudo -u list mailman withlist somemailmanlist m.max_num_recipients = 0 commit() sudo -u list mailman unshunt
I've managed to find a number of these, such as m.max_message_size, m.require_explicit_destination, and m.administrivia.
My questions are undoubtedly foolish, but here goes:
Is there any way to print the entire 'm' structure? If so, I'd perhaps be able to figure out the answers to my other questions.
Is there a way for me to correct the following shunt-ing issues with 'withlist'? I've been unable to figure out how...
a. 'moderation_reasons': [ 'Message has no subject'] / 'rule_hits': ['no-subject']
b. Some things get caught as 'rule_hits': ['nonmember-moderation']. However, if I look in the (web-based) config, it shows that non-members should be accepted but the messages are shunted nonetheless. I don't know what to look for in 'm' or how I might clear these messages.
- I have no idea what these are telling me to do about digest messages. Suggestions? This is the entire info I get from 'mailman qfile':
------------------------------------------------------snip snip---------------------------------------------- [----- start pickle -----] <----- start object 1 ----->
<----- start object 2 -----> { '_parsemsg': False, 'digest_number': 457, 'digest_path': '/var/lib/mailman3/lists/somelist/digest.31.457.mmdf', 'lang': 'en', 'listid': 'somelistid', 'version': 3, 'volume': 31, 'whichq': 'digest'} [----- end pickle -----] ------------------------------------------------------snip snip----------------------------------------------
I have some that have 'rule_hits': [] (it's empty) but are shunted nonetheless. I can't see anything weird other than one of the messages has a utf-8 subject. Any ideas?
Some messages that were sent to -request addresses (e.g., subscribe messages, confirm, approve messages) are being shunted. What should I do with these?
Thanks for your patience.