I did filed #248 in https://gitlab.com/mailman/hyperkitty/issues and tried to resolve this issue.
Furst converted the database as noted in the ticket, no solution. Second search all unicode subject lines in DB for the specific mailinglist, and delete them all via hyperkitty web interface, no success, error still appears.
As the error happens 10-12 time on strange times (6am 2:20 pm, 4:20pm), it does not look like a fixed cron job.
Abhilash Raj (maxking) mentionend, it maybe a issue with mailman core trying to deliver the message to hyperkitty. But how can I remove those broken messages, or twitch hyperkitty to accept and discard them?
Those 30-60 error messsages/day are really annoying and on the other side do not look fine for mailman3 to break at such a easy task. (could have discarded those messages, also).
So, please, howto fix this?
thank you.
MfG, Lars Schimmer
TU Graz, Institut für ComputerGraphik & WissensVisualisierung Tel: +43 316 873-5405 E-Mail: l.schimmer@cgv.tugraz.at Fax: +43 316 873-5402 PGP-Key-ID: 0x4A9B1723