Now I'm on one of the lists in digest mode and I can see that it's a mess. Periodic digests are definitely NOT working, so I'll lay that out here.
root@host2:/# cat /etc/cron.d/mailman # This goes in /etc/cron.d/mailman # Replace "apache" by your webserver user ("www-data" on Debian systems) and # set the path to the Django project directory 0 23 * * * lists /usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic 0 23 * * * lists /usr/local/bin/mailman notify
root@host2:/# grep digests /var/log/cron.log Jun 11 23:00:01 host2 CRON[1632765]: (lists) CMD (/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic) Jun 12 23:00:01 host2 CRON[2177286]: (lists) CMD (/usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic)
root@host2:/home/members/directory# su - lists lists@host2:~$ /usr/local/bin/mailman digests --periodic lists@host2:~$ ls var/lists/<list>/ digest.mmdf
In this case I've got /usr/local/bin/mailman as a symlink to the mailman binary inside the venv's bin directory, just for simplicity. That digest.mmdf file is dated June 9th and clearly ought to have been cleared out on any of the nightly runs between then and today but has not. There are no errors anywhere I can find.
How can I try and track this down?
On 6/4/2023 10:15 PM, Joel Lord wrote:
The May 4th digest that went out was _also_ size-triggered, so this may have nothing to do with periodic digests at all, and possibly my periodic digests aren't working. I'm not on any of my own lists in digest mode, I'm slowly extracting diagnostic information out of people who are. Also, since this is a ~2 month cycle, it's really difficult to get data points to work with. I'll need to remember to go in and look when this settles down again (new cycle of activity started last night) to see if there's anything left pending.
(venv) root@host2:/home/lists/mailman/venv/bin# pip freeze | grep -i hyper HyperKitty==1.3.7
On 6/4/2023 10:05 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 6/4/23 18:35, Joel Lord wrote:
The periodic digests do seem to be coming out. I also now have confirmation that the one message in this morning's digest that was from May 4th was also included in the last digest back on May 4th, so it seems that the one message was left behind in the digest queue when the periodic digest was sent.
I don't see how that can happen. The process that sends a digest renames the var/lists/<list-id>/digest.mmdf mailbox file in which the messages are accumulated to var/lists/<list-id>/digest.<volume>.<issue>.mmdf, where <volume> and <issue> are the volume and issue numbers of that digest, and then queues a message in the
queue to tell the digest runner to create the digest from the messages in that mbox and send it. Thus, it leaves no var/lists/<list-id>/digest.mmdf mailbox file behind and that is created anew when the next post arrives. Further, if there is a non-empty digest.mmdf file, its messages should be sent no later than the next 11 PMcron digests
.There was one earlier message to the list back on May 4th, before the one that got duplicated, but I can't tell if that triggered a size-based digest to be sent: the logs aren't clear enough on that detail for me to tell >
Just to inform things:
(venv) lists@host2:~/mailman/venv/bin$ pip freeze | grep mailman django-mailman3==1.3.9 mailman==3.3.8 mailman-hyperkitty==1.2.1 mailman-web==0.0.6 mailmanclient==3.3.5 (venv) lists@host2:~/mailman/venv/bin$ pip freeze | grep hyper mailman-hyperkitty==1.2.1
Actually, it's HyperKitty, not hyperkitty, but I assume HyperKitty is up to date as are the others.
(venv) lists@host2:~/mailman/venv/bin$ pip freeze | grep post postorius==1.3.8
-- Joel Lord