Am 27. Jänner 2022 14:06:31 MEZ schrieb "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>:
nate writes:
The automated message I got said this was the reason my message was held: The message comes from a moderated member.
TBH, I would rather not have this message be more clear. If the
Just to chime in. As a user who subscribed to *this* list yesterday I was *mildly* irritated that my message was held for approval. However, after a bit of thinking (with my 20 years of mailinglist administration hat on) I convinced myself that this was an anti spam measure to protect the list against new malicious users - which has been confirmed by now.
So, at least for me I think the current state of policy documentation is enough.
message makes it clear that a malicious mail will get through if the first one is benign,
OTOH, I'm sure one could come up with a sufficiently vague sentence along the lines of "new subscribers are held for moderation until we have build up enough trust that they won't abuse our list"'.
So people are prepared for initial moderation but there's no promise of being unmoderated after the *first* post.
mfg.sfg.jfd IOhannes