Thank you for your reply. I Will try to get iT up and running the way I want
Op 30 jan 2025 om 15:58 heeft Stephen J. Turnbull <> het volgende geschreven:
Freerk Bosscha via Mailman-users writes:
I have recently setup a fresh mailman3 installation on my debian12 box.
If this is a Debian package, you should report to them. Debian maintainers make the patches they think are wise, and often go well beyond conformance to Debian policy on file locations and the like. Also, while MySQL is a supported backend database, and the main problem I know of seems to be addressed with the "?charset=utf8mb4&use_unicode=1" parameters in the db url, I believe the developers mostly run PostgreSQL. So if there is a database communication issue, the Debian developers may be more aware of it.
In my opinion this should be ok and the qcluster is running
I don't know what you meant by "looks like an AJAX problem" -- if you have specific knowledge of such problems, please enlighten us, but otherwise it is very unhelpful to guess.
Also, what do you mean by "the archive files are getting the archived messages"? If you know what you're doing you may be able to find archived messages in your RDBMS, but in principle HyperKitty just stores them as blobs in the RDMBS -- HyperKitty doesn't see them as files.
Now, what Sam is pointing out suggests that qcluster is not talking to qinfo, and therefore it may not be talking to HyperKitty. Since queues are implemented as files on disk, it's likely that qinfo is counting them using filesytem utilities, while it's talking to qcluster over a socket. Anyway, I don't think the "clusters 0, workers 0" report is good news. Also, I believe the "successful" queue is a measure of backlog. I've seen backlogs of that size on a site with thousands of archived lists and hundreds of thousands of posts per day, but I don't think it's normal for typical scales. I have seen it take many minutes for the recent activity to show up in HyperKitty on that huge site. I don't recall what the problem was, maybe something to do with a backlog in the full-text indexer (Xapian on that site). Unfortunately I don't recall how that was resolved, and don't have access to that system any more.
In general, IIRC, qcluster is a red herring for the activity display. It's used to manage the incoming queue from Mailman core for the archive but I don't think it's relevant to fetching data. HyperKitty fetches that directly from the database. I would guess that the issue has to do with communication between HyperKitty and the database.