I regularly get requests from users to disable footers since they use email clients that simply show an attached text file. Yes, I know that's broken.
I never got this working with my old broken installation. Since we're now running a shiny new version of mailman3, I thought I'd give it a go again. From what I've read, I thought the following would do the trick:
# sudo -u mailman -s /usr/bin/bash $ source /local/mailman/venv/bin/activate $ cd ~/var/templates/ $ mkdir -p lists/test-list.our.domain/en/ $ cp /dev/null "lists/test-list.our.wee.domain/en/list:member:regular:footer"
However, sending mail to test-list@our.wee.domain<mailto:test-list@our.wee.domain> still includes the footer.
What am I missing? Do I need to restart something? Did I misunderstand what I've read?
With kind regards,