On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 00:56:13 +0000 Tom Browder <tom.browder@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 19:54 Abhilash Raj <maxking@asynchronous.in> wrote:
Hi All,
Version 0.1.1[1] of the container images are now available for download.
Most notable changes are:
- Mailman-web image has been moved to alpine 3.6 base image form Debain
For a docker novice, how does that affect a Debian user?
It does not have any affect if you are using Debian as your operating system, or any other for that matter.
Container images are usually a package of complete OS environment and usually derive from one of the many distribution images. While the common ones like Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Centos are really great and work well, they are really bloated (300 MB for only the base image) for a container image where you only want to run one single process (e.g. Mailman).
Alpine Linux is a lean (5 MB for the base image) Linux distribution which is generally preferred over the common (like Debian for example) operating systems when building container images.
So, this is just an internal change on how the images are built and doesn't affect the users at all except for the fact that the size of the mailman-web image is now much less (now 78 MB compared to previous 330 MB).
Thanks, Abhilash, for your wonderful contributions.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj