I have used Linode for years and I am happy to recommend it. That being said, using the docker-mailman (https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman) method, it should pretty much be (Linux) platform independent.
The docker-mailman approach gives you three containers: core, web, database. Those are the three primary components of a successful installation (in my opinion). They each have their own configuration caveats, most of which are addressed on the github Readme. The fourth main component, that is not part of the docker-mailman, is a working MTA such as postfix. But there is also guidance in the Readme about how to configure it.
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On Dec 31, 2020, 9:53 PM, at 9:53 PM, John Willson <ieso@johnwillson.com> wrote:
Okay, thanks for the feedback, I'll go back to Ubuntu 20.04 and give that a shot with docker. Any guidance on what platform to use (i.e. AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.), if we haven't got access to a dedicated production server?