Nov. 13, 2017
12:24 a.m.
These are a couple of HyperKitty issues that I have talked about in August 1. I’ve been doing a bit more experimentation in the last few days and am reporting my findings.
The two issues are:
— Missing messages: HyperKitty doesn’t show all of the messages in a discussion
- Misreporting of discussion statistics: HyperKitty doesn’t update the number of participants and comments in a discussion
I’m using the latest Docker setup.
Neither of these issues are solved by updating or rebuilding indexes:
sudo docker exec mailman-web ./manage.py update_index
sudo docker exec mailman-web ./manage.py rebuild_index
However, if I stop and then restart the containers (sudo docker-compose down; sudo docker-compose up -d), the discussion statistics are updated and properly display the number of participants and comments in all discussions. This does not, however, solve the problem of missing messages.
I have discovered two methods of displaying the missing discussion messages:
add a new message to the thread in HyperKitty; I’m not convinced that this works *every* time, but it at least works *most* times
run the yearly cron job; this seems to work *every* time:
sudo docker exec mailman-web ./manage.py runjobs yearly
Cameron Smith