I've been getting "Cannot connect to SMTP server localhost on port 25" from runner "out" in mailman.log over some mails stuck in shunt queue, postfix logs show nothing when this happens, tcpdump on lo interface port 25 shows nothing. The log shows up when I start mailman, and then it seems not to show up again.
This is my mailman.cfg's relevant parts:
[mta] verp_confirmations: yes verp_personalized_deliveries: yes verp_delivery_interval: 1
incoming: mailman.mta.postfix.LMTP outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver lmtp_host: localhost lmtp_port: 8024 smtp_host: localhost smtp_port: 25 configuration: python:mailman.config.postfix
I can do 'telnet localhost 25' just fine, including as mailman user. I can send and receive mail on my mail server. I tried making a test list and sent/received messages fine.
smtp debug logs show "Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fdd9793c940>" and "IndividualDelivery to: <email@address.tld>" on repeat, where the email address is one of the addresses of the shunted mails.
version 3.2.2