Hey there, I'm still trying to figure out, how to move a bunch of lists from one mm3-instance to another. If somebody has a working solution, I would be really glad to hear from it.
I came across this thread, but I don't think it tackles my question: https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/3... (or maybe I missed the right parts)
We have equal setups and versions:
- maxxking docker install 0.4.5
- Core 3.3.8
- API 3.1
- Postorius 1.3.8
So I found the possibility to get the config of a list via REST-API:
curl -u restadmin:restpass localhost:8001/3.1/lists/$short.$domain/config | jq > short.domain
This is a nice collection of the configuration of a certain list. Does anybody know how I would get this data back to the newly created list in the second working mm3-instance? Shouldn't it be possible via POST command? I thought of something like:
curl -u restadmin:restpass -d @short.domain -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8001/3.1/lists/&short.&domain/config
But it returns {"title": "405 Method Not Allowed"} and I don't know where to look in the docs, since it shows almost always a way through mailman shell.
Here I found something about POST: https://docs.mailman3.org/projects/mailman/en/latest/src/mailman/rest/docs/h... -> but how would it work exactly?
## Members, moderators, owners
To export all members I normally run within mm-core-container as user mailman the following command:
mailman members &short.&domain > &short.txt
To fill them back in, it can be done in Postorius (or is there a way through API?).
What I would love to know is how to get out Owners of the corresponding lists and reimport them in the new one (which will be the same at the end :-D but different instance).
## registered users
This part is somehow tricky, since I have no clue how to do it. Some of the mailinglist-admins don't want to bother their list-owners again with registering newly on the other system. Is there a way to export all users (I think I found them in the DB in the table auth_users, somehow in combination with account_emailaddress) and get them over to the new instance (actually I just need part of them, but that's another question that I might solve lateron on my own).
Maybe the answer is already here: https://docs.mailman3.org/projects/mailman/en/latest/src/mailman/rest/docs/u... -> but can somebody help to get this working (import/export)?
Thank you in advance, I hope it's not too much or too nooby :-) Jens.