Dear Stephen and everyone,
On 23/09/2023 20:19, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Roland Miyamoto via Mailman-users writes:
I could easily imagine a situation
"Envision" = "imagine".
Sure, you are right, Stephen. In my situation, it would be a nice-to-have, and I can survive without.
I appreciate your work a lot (and I mean "a lot"), and, of course, it is completely up to you and to the other developers to decide, which features to implement and which ones to postpone, or to not even consider.
I take Mailman3 "as is" and try to customise things by myself with my own (limited) resources.
So, thank you for all the good work you are offering for free, including your sedulous support, that you are providing to all of us via this mailing list!
With my kindest regards, yours, Roland