Hey Mark,
thanks for your reply!> In what way? Do list posts get delivered? What works and what doesn't?
What are the observable symptoms for things that don't work? Yes, mails are not delivered. You can send a mail to the mailinglist without getting a bounce, but you will not receive the mail back through mailman. In addition to that, I'm unable to edit mailing lists in the web interface. After clicking on a list, I'll get a 404. Plus, I noticed that mailman is constantly writing files to /var/lib/mailman3/queue/out/ but they seem to get deleted right away again. I'm getting alot of IO there though.
What do you get for example if you go in a web browser with hyperkitty running to
I get a small gziped json file back. Key is "url", value is a link to a message.
And please don't post secret keys and change the value of api_key: in mailman-hyperkitty.cfg and the corresponding value in MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY in your Django settings. I actually tried to redact the logs and config files, but I must have failed to save my edits on that one file. I'll change it right away.