Mark Sapiro a écrit le 23/04/2020 à 19:02 :
On 4/23/20 2:48 AM, Gelpi Andrea wrote:
I saw the change in the file.
As I'm not a programmer How can I test your fix?
My system was installed via Debian 10 stable repository.
I upgrade with testing repository postorius, django and mailmanclinet
Postorius V 1.3.2 Django V. 2.2.12 Django filters V 2.1.0 Djanog mailman V 1.3.2 mailmanclient V 3.3.0
I don't know where the Debian package puts things, but you have to find the location of postorius/views/list.py. Something like
locate views/list.py
On debian this file is part of the python3-django-postorius package, and is installed here: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/postorius/views/list.py
should find it. Then you need to download <https://gitlab.com/mailman/postorius/-/merge_requests/500.diff> and edit it to remove the first 15 lines so the first remaining line is the
diff --git a/src/postorius/views/list.py b/src/postorius/views/list.py
line. Then make a backup copy of postorius/views/list.py and run the command
patch postorius/views/list.py path/to/500.diff
where postorius/views/list.py is actually the full path to postorius/views/list.py and 500.diff is the edited file you downloaded.
You'll have also to remove the compiled files from the __pycache__ directory:
$ sudo rm /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/postorius/views/__pycache__/list.cpython-*.pyc
Then restart uWSGI. If anything goes wrong, restore your backup copy of postorius/views/list.py and restart uWSGI.
The best way to restore is to force the re-installation of the package: $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3-django-postorius
It will take care of the compilation part.