Re: Which documentation to follow for installation

Hi Abhilash,
Finally we decided to install Mailman through the docker images provided by you (
The deployment was very quick, and it works flawlessly, so we will keep this solution.
On the side I will try to deploy Mailman 3 through its independent modules, just for fun :)
Many thanks!
Cheers, R.
From: "Abhilash Raj" <> To: "Ruben Ibanez" <> Cc: "mailman-users" <> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:25:34 PM Subject: Re: [MM3-users] Which documentation to follow for installation
On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 20:50:39 +0200 (CEST) Ruben Ibanez <> wrote:
Hi Abhilash,
Thanks for your reply.
The point is, I think I'm missing something. I'm just a sysadmin who wants to deploy Mailman 3.x to be used for an operational environment, like any other software. Is this software actually ready for that?
There are production environments running Mailman 3.1 right now if that is your questions, see Although, I guess you already saw that when subscribing to this list ;)
Of course, I'm not asking for .rpm, .deb, etc... because I understand that's quite complex, but I tried it following all available guides, including the Contributor's Guide, and it seems impossible to get it running at the first time (or just to get it running) without getting crazy or fixing lots of unexpected errors during installation.
It would be helpful if you send in those errors here. It will help us debug your problem and also improve the guide for the people using it in future.
One small problem about the configuration, off the top of my head, can cause some problems in the "Mailman Suite Installation" Guide1. I have that on my todo to fix. But, apart from that everything else should work!
You would have to do some additional configuration for the web frontend to work and for the mail servers to talk to Mailman and Frontend separately, both of which is also mentioned in the documentation under "Configuring Mailman Core" and "Configure Web Frontend".
Contributor's guide is not focused on deploying but just setting it up locally to play with and modify the source itself.
Have you tried to deploy Mailman 3.x strictly following the documentation?
I think people have used it in past to successfully deploy Mailman 3.x, but without looking at the errors you are facing I don't have any clue as to why it doesn't work for you!
By the way, many thanks for your hard work!
Cheers, RI
From: "Abhilash Raj" <> To: Cc: Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 8:55:20 AM Subject: Re: [MM3-users] Which documentation to follow for installation
On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 09:40:37 -0000 wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to deploy Mailman 3.1, but it seems there isn't a clear place to look for documentation. I found two different sites:
Both of the above are actually latest documentation, should be the one to look for installations guidelines for the entire Mailman 3.x Suite, is the documentation of Mailman 3 Core, which handles the mail.
This should be the best place to start, be sure to look at the Pre-Installation Guide if you are new to the Python ecosystem.
Do you know which one should be followed? Both at the same time? I find it quite unclear... and this installation will be for an operational environment.
Also, there are some (official?...) docker images, but all images are for mailman 3.0 but not mailman 3.1, and of course updates are not guaranteed.
It is meant for Mailman 3.X series and is maintained by me. It currently includes the latest releases for all the Mailman's sub-projects, also Mailman 3.1.
Hope that helps!
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj
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participants (1)
Ruben Ibanez