Trying to get mailman3 stood up in Docker and having some issues following the instructions. Currently my docker-web image is not running. Today it won't start, yesterday it was exiting with 0 status immediately.
[root@mailman3dockerhost docker-mailman]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0d7e6be7cf80 maxking/mailman-core:0.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 18 hours ago Up 3 seconds>8001/tcp,>8024/tcp mailman-core d1071c541bda postgres:9.6-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 18 hours ago Up 7 seconds 5432/tcp dockermailman_database_1 [root@mailman3dockerhostdocker-mailman]#
For my .yaml file I added in the " - ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*',]" in mailman-web thinking that was the issue. I am also not sure about networks, I have ports setup but no IP's
- "" # HTTP
- "" # uwsgi
but some examples I have come across have IPs, but no ports listed
I thought access to the container's are from the Docker's Host machines IP and the port I specify in the .yaml file.
Also I am running the docker as root, just to test, but what is the best practice for running the mailman containers?
---------- here is my yaml file with some bits removed for security
[root@host docker-mailman]# cat docker-compose.yaml version: '2'
services: mailman-core: image: maxking/mailman-core:0.3 container_name: mailman-core hostname: mailman-core volumes: - /opt/mailman/core:/opt/mailman/ stop_grace_period: 30s links: - database:database depends_on: - database environment: - DATABASE_URL=postgres://mailman:mailmanpass@database/mailmandb - DATABASE_TYPE=postgres - DATABASE_CLASS=mailman.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLDatabase - HYPERKITTY_API_KEY=********* ports: - "" # API - "" # LMTP - incoming emails networks: mailman:
mailman-web: image: maxking/mailman-web:0.3 container_name: mailman-web hostname: mailman-web depends_on: - database links: - mailman-core:mailman-core - database:database volumes: - /opt/mailman/web:/opt/mailman-web-data environment: - ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*',] - DATABASE_TYPE=postgres - DATABASE_URL=postgres://mailman:mailmanpass@database/mailmandb - HYPERKITTY_API_KEY=********* - DEBUG=TRUE - SECRET_KEY=********* - SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN=domain.hostname.org - MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER=lists - MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@domain.hostname.org ports: - "" # HTTP - "" # uwsgi networks: mailman:
database: environment: - POSTGRES_DB=mailmandb - POSTGRES_USER=mailman - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=******* image: postgres:9.6-alpine volumes: - /opt/mailman/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: mailman:
networks: mailman:
participants (1)