Issue with mailman auto subscription

I migrated my mailman 2 instance to mailman 3 some months ago. Some users have been reporting lately that auto subscriptions don't work anymore. In the affected list both the Subscription and un subscription policies are open, which means that normally a user that sends a "subscribe" mail automatically subs to the list. This works fine for users that have been subscribed in the past but not for new users. The latter get a mail stating that a confirmation is needed ("Your confirmation is needed to join the mailing list"). I see nothing out of the ordinary in the mailman.log file and co.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance
[SIB logo] Francisco López Ayuso System Administrator SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Quartier Sorge, bâtiment Amphipôle - CH 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland t +41 21 692 40 36 - The information in this e-mail, and those ensuing, is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this message and notify the sender immediately.

On 8/20/24 2:45 AM, Francisco Paco López wrote:
I migrated my mailman 2 instance to mailman 3 some months ago. Some users have been reporting lately that auto subscriptions don't work anymore. In the affected list both the Subscription and un subscription policies are open, which means that normally a user that sends a "subscribe" mail automatically subs to the list. This works fine for users that have been subscribed in the past but not for new users. The latter get a mail stating that a confirmation is needed ("Your confirmation is needed to join the mailing list"). I see nothing out of the ordinary in the mailman.log file and co.
In Mailman 3 addresses need to be verified. Even if a list's subscription policy is open, if the request is from an unverified address, a confirmation request is sent to verify the address.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
Teilnehmer (2)
Francisco Paco López
Mark Sapiro