Memory usage cgroup and free -m

Currently the mailman3 cgroup slice uses up to 875MB:
Control Group Tasks %CPU Memory Input/s Output/s system.slice/mailman3.service 16 0.1 875.3M - -
Is 875MB a normal expected amount, or more than expected?
To confirm that this is truly used and not "cached", I use the new Available column from the "free -m" output, which is the pre-computed available memory for a new process, added in recent years.
The output of free -m under the Available column when mailman3 is running is : 161 MB
When I stop the mailman service, the output of free -m Available column goes up to: 1071 MB
Showing that the 875MB previously were not available for release for new processes.
If I start mailman service again, the output of free -m Available column goes back to : 325MB and will be reducing gradually over time.
I looked around on posts, documentation and others, but didn't find guides related to reducing RAM usage, is that a possibility or is this memory usage expected? writes:
Currently the mailman3 cgroup slice uses up to 875MB:
Can't say offhand, but that looks reasonable to me. Python itself is not optimized for memory footprint, and Mailman runs a lot of processes (I see 17 in a minimal configuration of a side project), each of which has a footprint of about 70MB, of which only up to 5MB is shared with other processes. This is on an Intel Mac.
participants (2)
Stephen J. Turnbull