Exim, Mailman3 and missing Message-ID:

Just a note that may help some people.
After a bit of a learning curve, managed to get Mailman3 working in Debian 10 using the Debian package.
I have mailman3-full + exim4 + apache2 setup:
I did quite a lot of testing and getting it working, then when all seemed well, declared success and made it live.
As (bad) luck would have it, the very first real message bounced: :-(
2019-07-25 20:53:09 1hqjnY-0005ms-RD <= xxxxxxx@ntlworld.com H=cloudi.spamtitan.com [] P=esmtps X=TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256 CV=no S=7854 DKIM=ntlworld.com 2019-07-25 20:53:09 1hqjnY-0005ms-RD ** mylist@lentil.org R=mailman3_router T=mailman3_t H= []: LMTP error after DATA: 550 No Message-ID header provided 2019-07-25 20:53:09 1hqjnZ-0005mx-3F <= <> R=1hqjnY-0005ms-RD U=Debian-exim P=local S=9222
The user forwarded me the bounce, which contained the original message and headers, and indeed the original message did not contain a Message-ID: header. (Oddly, his message to me reporting the error using the same mail client DID contain a Message-ID: header.)
Mail client: X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
So it seems in certain circumstances, Outlook doesn't put a Message-ID: header in its messages.
The change from Mailman2.x to Mailman3 means it's now using LMTP to deliver to mailman instead of a local submission seems to have exposed this issue.
Exim tries to be helpful for "locally submitted" messages:
"12. The Message-ID: header line
If a locally-generated or submission-mode incoming message does not contain a Message-ID: or Resent-Message-ID: header line, and the suppress_local_fixups control is not set, Exim adds a suitable header line to the message. If there are any Resent-: headers in the message, it creates Resent-Message-ID:. The id is constructed from Exim's internal message id, preceded by the letter E to ensure it starts with a letter, and followed by @ and the primary host name."
However: "Note: Messages received over TCP/IP on the loopback interface ( or ::1) are not considered to be locally-originated. Exim does not treat the loopback interface specially in any way."
Therefore, Mailman3 using LMTP means exim will NOT "fix up" this problem before mailman3 receives the message.
My solution for now (apart from telling people not to use old broken Outlook!) is to modify the exim mailman3_transport so that any message with a missing Message-ID: will have one generated by exim before it's passed to LMTP. This reproduces the same behaviour exim uses for locally submitted messages.
(headers_remove ensures that we end up only with one Message-ID: header and not two, then we put back either the original Message-ID, or if that's not there, use Exim's ID to generate a new Message-ID header.)
Here's an updated version of the example at: https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/mta.html#exim
# /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/25_mm3_macros # The colon-separated list of domains served by Mailman. domainlist mm_domains=list.example.net
# MM3_HOME must be set to mailman's var directory, wherever it is # according to your installation.
# debian default is /var/lib/mailman3 MM3_HOME=/opt/mailman/var MM3_UID=list MM3_GID=list
################################################################ # The configuration below is boilerplate: # you should not need to change it.
# The path to the list receipt (used as the required file when # matching list addresses) MM3_LISTCHK=MM3_HOME/lists/${local_part}.${domain}
# /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/455_mm3_router
driver = accept
domains = +mm_domains
require_files = MM3_LISTCHK
local_part_suffix =
-bounces : -bounces+* :
-confirm : -confirm+* :
-join : -leave :
-owner : -request :
-subscribe : -unsubscribe
transport = mailman3_transport
# /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/55_mm3_transport mailman3_transport: driver = smtp protocol = lmtp allow_localhost hosts = localhost port = MM3_LMTP_PORT rcpt_include_affixes = true
mailman3_transport: driver = smtp protocol = lmtp allow_localhost hosts = localhost port = MM3_LMTP_PORT rcpt_include_affixes = true headers_remove = message-id headers_add = "Message-ID: ${if def:header_message-id:{$h_message-id:}{<E${message_exim_id}@${qualify_domain}>}}"

On 7/26/19 6:20 AM, Robert Lister wrote:
The change from Mailman2.x to Mailman3 means it's now using LMTP to deliver to mailman instead of a local submission seems to have exposed this issue.
It is not the use of LMTP for delivery that is the issue. It is the fact that Mailman 3 uses a hash of the Message-ID: in various contexts to identify/retrieve a message. Thus, every message must have a Message-ID.
See <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/490> for more on this.
My solution for now (apart from telling people not to use old broken Outlook!) is to modify the exim mailman3_transport so that any message with a missing Message-ID: will have one generated by exim before it's passed to LMTP. This reproduces the same behaviour exim uses for locally submitted messages.
(headers_remove ensures that we end up only with one Message-ID: header and not two, then we put back either the original Message-ID, or if that's not there, use Exim's ID to generate a new Message-ID header.)
Here's an updated version of the example at: https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/mta.html#exim ... mailman3_transport: driver = smtp protocol = lmtp allow_localhost hosts = localhost port = MM3_LMTP_PORT rcpt_include_affixes = true headers_remove = message-id headers_add = "Message-ID: ${if def:header_message-id:{$h_message-id:}{<E${message_exim_id}@${qualify_domain}>}}"
Thank you for this. I have created <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/merge_requests/540> to add this to the doc.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Thank you very much for the analysis and the configuration.
Robert Lister writes:
As (bad) luck would have it, the very first real message bounced: :-(
This is *very* bad luck. I don't think I've seen messages without Message-ID in decades!
Mail client: X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
So it seems in certain circumstances, Outlook doesn't put a Message-ID: header in its messages.
Outlook is not my favorite MUA (and I don't mean that I don't like using it). Nevertheless, RFC 5321 suggests that the responsibility for dealing with this or rejecting the message is with the submission host:
The following changes to a message being processed MAY be applied when necessary by an originating SMTP server, or one used as the target of SMTP as an initial posting (message submission) protocol:
o Addition of a message-id field when none appears
o Addition of a date, time, or time zone when none appears
o Correction of addresses to proper FQDN format
The less information the server has about the client, the less likely these changes are to be correct and the more caution and conservatism should be applied when considering whether or not to perform fixes and how. These changes MUST NOT be applied by an SMTP server that provides an intermediate relay function.
The context strongly suggests that a similar caution applies to final delivery servers, and I would assume Mediators such as Mailman. I conclude that the post is broken and very good reason would be needed to patch it up.
Therefore, Mailman3 using LMTP means exim will NOT "fix up" this problem before mailman3 receives the message.
As I read the passage you quoted, Exim won't fix up the problem regardless of whether it delivers to Mailman via LMTP or by pipe, etc. The problem is that Mailman's LMTP server rejects malformed mail. I seem to recall that in Mailman 2, Mailman itself would add a Message-ID field if one was not present. I don't know how easy it would be to provide this feature, since we would have to patch the LMTP server code so the message could make it to Mailman proper (Mailman 3 imports the LMTP server from the stdlib).
My solution for now (apart from telling people not to use old broken Outlook!) is to modify the exim mailman3_transport so that any message with a missing Message-ID: will have one generated by exim before it's passed to LMTP. This reproduces the same behaviour exim uses for locally submitted messages.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to do this (and certainly not by default). The only times I've seen messages without a Message-ID are spam messages. I suppose we can add this to the documentation.

On 7/26/19 11:05 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
The problem is that Mailman's LMTP server rejects malformed mail. I seem to recall that in Mailman 2, Mailman itself would add a Message-ID field if one was not present. I don't know how easy it would be to provide this feature, since we would have to patch the LMTP server code so the message could make it to Mailman proper (Mailman 3 imports the LMTP server from the stdlib).
It's a simple patch to the lmtp runner (Mailman's LMTP server). There's a closed issue on this at <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/490> - closed because I convinced the submitter it wasn't the right thing to do.
My solution for now (apart from telling people not to use old broken Outlook!) is to modify the exim mailman3_transport so that any message with a missing Message-ID: will have one generated by exim before it's passed to LMTP. This reproduces the same behaviour exim uses for locally submitted messages.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to do this (and certainly not by default). The only times I've seen messages without a Message-ID are spam messages. I suppose we can add this to the documentation.
I added Robert's solution at <https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/mta.html#troublesh...>
The requirement for a Message-ID: is documented, albeit not very prominently, at <https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build/lib/mailman/runners/docs/lmtp...>.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

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b2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLiYjMTM7PGJyPgomIzEzOzxicj4KJiMxMzs8YnI+CkkgYWRkZWQgUm9 iZXJ0 J3Mgc29sdXRpb24gYXQmIzEzOzxicj4KJmx0O2h0dHBzOi8vbWFpbG1hbi5yZWFkdGhlZG9 jcy5p by9lbi9sYXRlc3Qvc3JjL21haWxtYW4vZG9jcy9tdGEuaHRtbCN0cm91Ymxlc2hvb3Rpbmc mZ3Q7 JiMxMzs8YnI+CiYjMTM7PGJyPgpUaGUgcmVxdWlyZW1lbnQgZm9yIGEgTWVzc2FnZS1JRDo gaXMg ZG9jdW1lbnRlZCwgYWxiZWl0IG5vdCB2ZXJ5JiMxMzs8YnI+CnByb21pbmVudGx5LCBhdCY jMTM7 PGJyPgombHQ7aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWlsbWFuLnJlYWR0aGVkb2NzLmlvL2VuL2xhdGVzdC9idWl sZC9s aWIvbWFpbG1hbi9ydW5uZXJzL2RvY3MvbG10cC5odG1sP2hpZ2hsaWdodD1tZXNzYWdlLWl kI2xt dHAtc2VydmVyJmd0Oy4mIzEzOzxicj4KJiMxMzs8YnI+Ci0tICYjMTM7PGJyPgpNYXJrIFN hcGly byAmbHQ7bWFya0Btc2FwaXJvLm5ldCZndDsmbmJzcDsmbmJzcDsmbmJzcDsmbmJzcDsmbmJ zcDsm bmJzcDsmbmJzcDsgVGhlIGhpZ2h3YXkgaXMgZm9yIGdhbWJsZXJzLCYjMTM7PGJyPgpTYW4 gRnJh bmNpc2NvIEJheSBBcmVhLCBDYWxpZm9ybmlhJm5ic3A7Jm5ic3A7Jm5ic3A7IGJldHRlciB 1c2Ug eW91ciBzZW5zZSAtIEIuIER5bGFuJiMxMzs8YnI+Cl9fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19 fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fJiMxMzs8YnI+Ck1haWxtYW4tdXNlcnMgbWFpbGluZyB saXN0 IC0tIG1haWxtYW4tdXNlcnNAbWFpbG1hbjMub3JnJiMxMzs8YnI+ClRvIHVuc3Vic2NyaWJ lIHNl bmQgYW4gZW1haWwgdG8gbWFpbG1hbi11c2Vycy1sZWF2ZUBtYWlsbWFuMy5vcmcmIzEzOzx icj4K aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0cy5tYWlsbWFuMy5vcmcvbWFpbG1hbjMvbGlzdHMvbWFpbG1hbi11c2V ycy5t YWlsbWFuMy5vcmcvJiMxMzs8YnI+CjwvcD4KPC9ibG9ja3F1b3RlPjwvZGl2Pjxicj48L2R pdj4=

Rob's reply in this thread was garbled due to <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/616>. The text of the reply is quoted below.
On 7/27/19 12:54 AM, Rob Lister wrote:
One thing that does occur to me is that my exim header fudge will probably cause the Message-ID header to move around from its original position, and if someone is doing hashing or actually validating (gpg signing?) the headers haven't been tampered with, then it might complain, since although the message-id hasn't changed, it might be in a different place in the headers.
Then again, mailman can make plenty of other modifications and additions to the headers anyway, so I'm not sure it matters.
Probably the more correct way to do it is only add a new header if it's missing, and if it's there, leave it alone.
This is probably possible in exim with some more variables and a lot of nested curly braces...
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Mark Sapiro writes:
Rob's reply in this thread was garbled due to <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/616>. The text of the reply is quoted below.
On 7/27/19 12:54 AM, Rob Lister wrote:
One thing that does occur to me is that my exim header fudge will probably cause the Message-ID header to move around from its original position, and if someone is doing hashing or actually validating (gpg signing?) the headers haven't been tampered with, then it might complain, since although the message-id hasn't changed, it might be in a different place in the headers.
I don't think this is a problem. GPG or S/MIME signing with any software I know of only signs the message body (or a MIME part). DKIM message signing isn't going to care about the order of fields because DKIM canonicalizes the order (at least for the unique fields) according to the specification in the signature field, and that will be verified on the way in. Of course adding a Message-ID will likely break DKIM for the outgoing post, but Mailman as normally used breaks DKIM anyway. This can be partly mitigated by using ARC (authenticated received chain), which is supported by Google already, and possibly some of the other usual DMARC suspects (Yahoo!, AOL).
Probably the more correct way to do it is only add a new header if it's missing, and if it's there, leave it alone.
True, and I think this does it:
headers_add = ${if def:h_message-id:{fail}{Message-ID: ... id generator code ...}}
If you like that and test it, I would really appreciate feedback so we can update the documentation.
One thing *I* would like to add to this recipe is logging. I'd be curious to see how frequently it happens outside of spam and junior high school hackers using netcat as their MUA. I don't see how to do this in Exim, though.
Another is using a prefix other than "E" to indicate this isn't standard Exim behavior.
participants (4)
Mark Sapiro
Rob Lister
Robert Lister
Stephen J. Turnbull