Mailman Core 3.3.9 Release

Hello Everyone,
Mailman 3.3.9 is now published to PyPI! Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible.
Minimum supported Python version for this release is 3.9, we had to drop support for 3.7 & 3.8 due to incompatibilities with importlib-resources package.
Maximum Python version supported right now is 3.11, we haven't yet added 3.12 to CI, so un-sure if there are any errors there.
The full change log for the release can be found in the docs as usual:
You can download the release via PyPI or via Gitlab Release:
For those of you who need to verify signatures for packages, PyPI doesn't allow publishing signatures anymore so I pushed them to Gitlab Releases along with a copy of the same tarball uploaded to PyPI.
I'll be working on the release for the web components tomorrow.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)
participants (1)
Abhilash Raj