Circumstances in which a subscriber is added to Pending Confirmation list
I wondered if anybody would be able to assist me in my understanding of the Pending Confirmation list, please.
In our Mailman mailing list, our Member Policy settings for both Subscription Policy and Un-subscription Policy are set to Open. Therefore we don't require subscribers to confirm their subscription after they submit a request to join our mailing list.
Despite this, a number of subscribers seem to be arriving in the Pending Confirmation (Subscriptions pending user confirmation) list. Others correctly arrive in the Members list, as we would expect. All subscription requests are made by the subscriber sending an email to our "join" email address with the subject "subscribe".
I've looked at the settings carefully and can't seem to see any that may cause the above behaviour at any time (although I may have missed something of course). Therefore, does anybody know the circumstances in which subscribers to an open mailing list may somehow arrive in the Pending Confirmation list?
If I could understand the cause(s) I could then consider ways to manage it or prevent it from happening. Our Mailman installation is hosted centrally in a large organisation so we while we can alter our mailing list's settings in Postorious, we can't alter the source code or similar, so we don't have great room for manoeuvre.
Our Postorius version is 1.3.6.
Thanks and regards
participants (1)
David Owen