UI changes in Hyperkitty

Hi All,
I have been working this past weekend trying to change some UI elements of Hyperkitty to make it a bit more cleaner, easier to read quoted emails and make unread posts more visible than they were before.
As a test bed, I have deployed my changes to lists.mailman3.org1. A complete summary of changes is available in my MR2 on Gitlab.
I would appreciate some feedback from users to make sure that is is a step in the right direction.
Since it has been a long long time since I ever designed a UI, I would also really appreciate if there people who want to work with me on fixing some of the UX issues in Hyperkitty.
Summary of Changes:
- The grey background for the email headers are removed.
- Gravatars are now round in shape instead of square.
- Links to permalink of the message and fixed-font button has been moved to the bottom to remove clutter from the top of the message.
- The date format is changed to remove the Day of the week and uses 3 letter month names for minimalism.
- Right sidebar is now fixed and doesn't scroll with the page.
- All buttons on the bottom of the email now have a hover property that changes their background on mouse hover.
- Quoted part of the email now has a different background. Each level of quoting gets a different background till 3-levels of indentation. After, which we don't process more quoted text.
- Unread threads show a blue bar on the left side as a more prominent indication as compared to current envelope icon.
Feel free to reply here or just comment on MR in Gitlab.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)

Am 02. April 2019 um 14:42 Uhr -0400 schrieb Abhilash Raj:
I would appreciate some feedback from users to make sure that is is a step in the right direction.
I like it. One thing I noticed: the quote expand/collapse button (the one with the three "..." dots) looks kind of awkward now when the quote is expanded. Because the quote itself now has round borders and the button does not, the button overlaps the quote's left-top edge. Due to the background colour change for the quotes, this is pretty visible. Maybe don't make the border round on the quote, or move the expand/collapse button into the quote area. (tested on Firefox)
Other than that, I think it looks good.
-- Blog: https://mg.guelker.eu

Since it has been a long long time since I ever designed a UI, I would also really appreciate if there people who want to work with me on fixing some of the UX issues in Hyperkitty.
... it's a good step in a good direction and improves usability, I'd say. Not so beautiful: the blue frame around the most recent answer as it appears in firefox - other forums have the frame around the original posts, I think. Looks like a quotation while it is the most recent text.
participants (3)
Abhilash Raj
Marvin Gülker