So I have been down the digest rabbit hole.
So to confirm my assumptions/findings: Digest size threshold---- means when the total size of held messages hits this setting, a digest is sent Digest Volume Frequency. ---- specifies when the digest volume number gets incremented for digest messages, IT DOES NOT send out digests based on the setting, daily, weekly ...
So what does the GUI setting "Send Digest Periodically yes no" do? how periodically does it send digests, if this is set to yes?
If I want to send a digest out for a list every day, or every week, how do I set that, especially in the docker environment? Is this something that can be configured in the GUI and configured by each of my list admins? I found that ”'mailman digests --periodic' via cron” should be set in googling, but does that mean I have to do a cron job for any list that wants a scheduled digest sent?
My use case is, that I have a list admin who set a size threshold, but regardless of that, they also want their list digest sent out daily, they thought it was the "Digest Volume Frequency" setting but that is not correct. However in their testing they are not getting daily digest, they are getting digests only when the threshold is reached, BUT they have "Send Digest Periodically" set to "yes" and "Enable Digests" is set to "yes"