Dear Mailman 3 wizards,
Our subscription process requires that the applicant answers a few questions and sends them to the list moderator. Not having a template that gets sent on all subscribe requests, I'm using the 'list:admin:action:subscribe' template. This gets sent to the list moderator, who then sends it forward to the applicant. This is rather tedious. I would like the template to be sent directly to the applicant.
There is a template, 'list:user:action:subscribe' that almost does this, but it gets sent only if the email address of the applicant is unverified. A good number of our applicants are already on our lists, so they would not get this template if we set the Subscription Policy to 'Confirm, then moderate'.
Our Subscription Policy is currently: 'Moderate' for all lists.
I figure that three modifications can be used to fix this:
a. That we change the lines in the Python program in our installation that send 'list:admin:action:subscribe' to the list admins to instead send the template to the applying subscriber.
b. That we change the lines in the Python program in our installation that send 'list:user:action:subscribe' to the subscriber with an unverified address to always do this, even when the incoming address has already been verified.
c. That the current 'list:user:action:subscribe' be changed in published Mailman 3 source to 'list:user:action:confirm' and a new template ''list:user:action:subscribe' be set up to be sent when any subscribe request is made. This is more work, of course, so not likely a good thing to hack locally. It could be useful to other users.
Any suggestions on how to best and most quickly do the above would be appreciated, starting with (a.) or (b.).
Clearly, (a.) and (b.), if we do one of those, are hacks that will need to be applied upon Mailman updates. That's fine by me, as I'm in rush to get this done. I'd welcome pointers as to which file to change and how. Of these two options, which would be the least work?
(c.) could be entered as a longer-term enhancement request. I can submit that request if you like.
Allan Hansen
P.S.: Thank you for the enhancement that lets moderators see the member lists. It has been a big help for us.
GNU Mailman 3.3.8 (Tom Sawyer) Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] config file: /opt/mailman/mm/mailman.cfg db url: postgresql://mailman:VWy26K4pUfU4jw@localhost/mailman devmode: DISABLED REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/ REST credentials: restadmin:restpass