On 2022-01-26 9:37, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Posts to this list from non-members are discarded without notice.
OK good to know, thanks. Didn't want one of my main email addresses to be leaked to the list (I have ~550 email addresses normally have one per purpose).
Your initial post was held because all new members are moderated by default. This is an anti-spam measure. If you post on topic, we clear your moderation.
Can I suggest the messaging to new users be improved to communicate this situation as it is not clear.
The automated message I got said this was the reason my message was held: The message comes from a moderated member.
Which makes sense if I REALLY think about it(I was a moderated member at first), but then the next question is why was I moderated. Your explanation makes sense.
It would be nice if it had more info along the lines of what you said, or even better adjust the messaging for the "Welcome" email to indicate your first message(s) will be held for moderation(I checked both emails I got back from the list just now to verify this info is not there). I was confused for a while(again 21 year veteran of mailman) thinking I sent my message using the wrong email address, after confirming I sent with the right one I just decided to wait to see what would happen.
If you can adjust the messaging it would be good I think to make it really clear all CAPS, or putting **** message here **** in the email so it really stands out to the new users what the situation is.
And yes, Mailman 3 doesn't (yet?) have a way for ordinary users to delete their own held posts.
good to know too, thanks!