On 01/03/2021 13:15, Brian Carpenter wrote:
On 3/1/21 3:10 AM, Lars Schimmer wrote:
If it should be a gold standard, it should mention the default setup of a standard debian system (which is exim4, btw) and not assuming a special setup debian system.
So why don't you write up your own how-to for your so-call ''standard debian system". Remember this is a forum for Mailman 3, not a forum for the users of a "standard debian system". So far your comments are not helpful at all.
Install debian
apt-get install mailman3-full
should be the default standard way to intall on a debian way, which whould be supported.
If software works around this for years, it is not really helpful for the users of the software itself. Reminds me of hugin, just doing source releases and keep the work on users to compile and make it useable.
I do appreciate the mailman3 work, and I do see the less ressources. But if the debian packages only appear after I wrote the maintainers to release a mm3 package for debian (the most used package format AFAIK), it looks like someone neglect those systems.
Also, if someone writes "the perfect standard way to install a softeare on debian" and neglecting the default setup of debian, it seems like it doesn't care about debian and the way people do use it at all.
The default way people do setup debian is exim4 e.g. and using packages, not software beside package system and provoking failures with poackage system while using those non packages.
MfG, Lars Schimmer
TU Graz, Institut für ComputerGraphik & WissensVisualisierung Tel: +43 316 873-5405 E-Mail: l.schimmer@cgv.tugraz.at Fax: +43 316 873-5402 PGP-Key-ID: 0x4A9B1723