So, my Mailman3 installation (inherited – guy who set it up has left) is using PostgreSQL that is an AWS RDS instance. I have received an alert from AWS that the CA certificate used to create the database is expiring, and they want me to update the certificate before it expires:
"Update Your Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora SSL/TLS Certificates by August 22, 2024 " https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/rotate-your-ssl-tls-certificates-now-amazon...
Our DBA team is requesting that we update applications by installing the new CA within the application's certificate store.
As near as I can tell from reading the Mailman 3 docs, and looking at my mailman.cfg and settings_local.py ... I don't know that Mailman 3 is using certificate verification for the PostgreSQL connection. At least, I can't see anything in those configuration files that suggest this. Does anyone know if this is the case – or which configuration file I should look at to verify? Will my Mailman 3 be ok if the DBAs go ahead and update the certificates on their end?
Thank you!
Pat Hirayama Pronouns: he/him/his Systems Engineer IT | Systems Engineering - Infrastructure Fred Hutch Cancer Center O 206.667.4856