Andreas Vetter writes:
it would be real great if owners that own several lists, but are not superusers, can see all users of all *their* lists and manage them. A down-"selected" version of the superusers view.
Would that be possible?
Possible, yes. I don't know how to do it well enough to add to our distribution.
Note that owners can't actually manage users -- that really does need to be a superuser. Owners can manage subscriptions to the lists they own. So first we'd want to create a new "Subscriptions" item for the top menu; the "Users" item isn't appropriate. I'm not sure who that item should be visible to. Most likely only owners, because individuals already have ways to see all their subscriptions, and it's not obvious they would want the same presentation as your superowners.
Then you'd iterate over the logged-in owner's lists and collect all of the subscriptions. I guess you'd want them to be organized by address rather than by list. By User is out, I think -- owners can't normally see Users, and I'm unhappy abou the privacy implications of being able to correlate nole@alset.com with head@dodgy.gov in general, although I realize it's not a problem in your setting.
Without a more complete specification of what your users need, and the presentation they'd want to see, I personally am unwilling to go farther than those comments. Maybe one of the other devs feels differently.
Also, "domain owner" is way under-implemented currently. For the hierarchical situation you outline, all the problems go away for domain owners. Of course then you'd need to split out lists by domain, but to me that's a small cost to preserve sanity in the structure.