Mark Sapiro wrote at 19:18 -0700 on May 12, 2016:
On 5/12/16 3:46 PM, John wrote:
But mm 2 had:
multipart/mixed text/plain (the digest heading) text/plain (the TOC) multipart/digest <--- this is the part that's gone in mm3 message/rfc822 message-1 message/rfc822 message-2 ... text/plain (footer)
So was that removal intentional, a bug or ??
I'm sorry. I missed the point of your OP. I think it's a bug.
The doctest at <http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/release-3.0/src/mailman/runners/docs/digest...>, the part just after "The MIME digest has lots of good stuff, all contained in the multipart." is clearly missing the multipart/digest part.
It appears that this got lost in the refactoring of the MM2 code for MM3. Please file an issue at <https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/new>. You can assign it to me (msapiro), but it any case, I'll work on fixing it.