Mark Sapiro:
On 10/3/19 5:17 PM, Mark Dadgar wrote:
I am trying to import a list with no archives to keep it simple while I prove out the process. If I run the mailman import21 comment as my user, I get the following errors:
— mark@mail:/tmp$ mailman import21 ./announce-config.pck Traceback (most recent call last): [...] PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/mailman3/mailman.log'
This is the issue. I don't know how the Debian packages do this, but I recommend having a 'mailman' user that owns everything and running commands as that user.
The Debian package uses user list
for this. It also provides a command
which takes care of running mailman commands as this user.
It would be awesome if the upstream /usr/bin/mailman command could take care of this automatically, making the wrapper command obsolete.
Cheers jonas