bader@cchmc.org writes:
Note: Abhilash already answered the installation questions. I have nothing to add there. My recommendations on using 3.6 are my personal take, YMMV.
Also, we are using python 3.6, will that be a major issue?
It shouldn't be. In a quick look I see no features in Python 3.7 or 3.8 that would make us want to bump our minimum supported Python version soon.
However, Python 3.6 is in source-only, security fixes only support, and that will end in December. I would be uncomfortable with exposing that to the Internet. I would check if the distro package up to date (current Python.org release is 3.6.13 on 2021-02-15, or at least 3.6.12 on 2020-08-17)?
or should spend the time to install 3.7 from source?
I don't recommend investing effort in 3.7 because it is already in source-only, security fixes only support, although that goes until mid-2023. 3.8 goes into that mode in May of this year. If you're going to install from source just for Mailman, I would recommend bumping to 3.9 at least if it's supported for your version of Centos, and 3.8 if for some reason 3.9 doesn't want to work on your system.