blup@fortytwo.ch writes:
First I did create the list with the old name and imported the old configs with mailman import21. As the list did not work then, I deleted it and created it again (with the same manual configuration as for the new list that's working).
OK. So as far as you know the configurations of list1 and list2 on Mailman 3 are identical, at least in the case where you have deleted list1 and recreated by hand.
I don't have a qfiles directory.
Try queue/, especially look for the out[going], pipeline, and shunt subdirectories.
Is the 'outgoing' qrunner still running? (ps ax | grep outgoing)
Sorry, I got that wrong. Mark recommends this:
ps -fwwA|grep runner=|sed s/.*runner=//
and gave this as sample output:
so it looks like the process name of the runner is "out", not "outgoing". Besides checking for the "out" runner, also check for "pipeline", which has been known to fail in the past.
But once more: list1 was working fine as long as mailman21 was used and stopped working when switching to mailman3. I don't expect spam filters that worked with mailman21 to stop working with mailman3.
Mailman 3 is a complete rewrite, essentially no Mailman 2 code was left untouched because of the pervasiveness of the change of the fundamental string type str from encoded bytes to abstract characters. I don't expect behavior to change, but I certainly am not going to rule anything out when trying to diagnose problems based on so little information.
I have more or less no Python knowledge (i.e. I can read and understand Python but can't write it). Could you please give me detailed command by command instructions. Thanks.
I'll take a look at it tomorrow, but I can't promise results until the weekend if I can't write a script in 30 minutes. Normally Mark Sapiro would handle this kind of thing, but he's offline for a couple weeks so you've got me. My knowledge is mostly on the email protocols side of things (Internet message format, authentication protocols), not the internal processing. I'll do what I can, but if I can't do it real quick it's probably going to take me several hours, which I'm not going to have until the weekend.