I have stumbled upon some weird issues with my migration to mailman3.. I've followed the step by step instructions for installing mm3 manually in a venv with postfix and virtual aliases (if that is of any significance).
Now the Problem is, that some lists don't deliver EMails at all. The list was one which I migrated with the mailman21 command. But the Mail I sent did not get through to no one and the mailman logs did not show anything.
I then created a completely new List which did not exists in mm2.1, subscribed two addresses and sent myself an EMail. That one worked as intended. I then deleted the whole broken list and created it cleanly, added the same two people, sent an email and nothing. Did not show up in the Moderation Queue or anywhere. it also doesn't get shunted. It just never arrives. I then turned the log level to debug on the smtp module. And I only get the following statement, ever repeating, never ending:
[...] May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fb49b143780> May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) IndividualDelivery to: nathanael@lumenliquid.net May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fb4974541d0> May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) IndividualDelivery to: nathanael@lumenliquid.net May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fb4978db438> May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) IndividualDelivery to: nathanael@lumenliquid.net May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fb497f05f28> May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) IndividualDelivery to: nathanael@lumenliquid.net May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) Using agent: <mailman.mta.deliver.Deliver object at 0x7fb4978adb38> May 19 18:54:40 2021 (8280) IndividualDelivery to: nathanael@lumenliquid.net [...]
I have no clue what to do with this. I then turned the debug module loglevel to debug. Also nothing useful. Just an endless list of
[...] May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [outgoing] <function deliver at 0x7f2faf384c80>: <B9531076-2480-4925-9A2B-57802B53D5ED@gmx.de> May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7203) [ArchiveRunner] starting oneloop May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7203) [ArchiveRunner] ending oneloop: 0 May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] finishing filebase: 1621441049.4089153+6dff56673dc64b890dd352941267782c264586dd May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] doing periodic May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] committing transaction May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] checking short circuit May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] ending oneloop: 1 May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] starting oneloop May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] processing filebase: 1621441049.4628382+6a0437ea387a2508ad947c0a51712075cbdb6d2e May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [OutgoingRunner] processing onefile May 19 18:17:29 2021 (7209) [outgoing] <function deliver at 0x7f2faf384c80>: <B9531076-2480-4925-9A2B-57802B53D5ED@gmx.de> [...]
Which also tells me nothing I can understand. I have no clue what's going wrong. (I've turned on debugging both on the original member list and the reduced member list. Both hang on the first delivery they do). If I restart mailman, the message gets correctly shunted as it is interrupted mid-delivery. My maillogs don't register any activity beside the listpost. Any ideas what I need to do to figure out what's not working here or where the culprit could be? Not sure if it is related to the mailinglist being in mailman2.1 before.
-- Nathanael Schneider