Jan. 11, 2022
7:47 a.m.
I got an issue with one subscriber (multiple lists).
When I subscribe 'A' <a@foo.com>, Mailman3 changes it to 'B' <a@foo.com>.
I went into Django and added the name 'B' to the subscriber's account (the name was empty).
I then unsubscribed <a@foo.com> from the lists and resubscribed 'A' <a@foo.com>.
The subscription again lists as 'B' <a@foo.com>.
This brings up a previous discussion of display names on this list, but I have not been able to find any solution to the need to change Mailman3's display names for a subscriber. It is beyond weird that unsubscribing, setting the account display name and resubscribing the member fishes back up the old and wrong display name.
What can I do to help this member?