On 1/7/22 12:06 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 1/7/22 11:06 AM, David Newman wrote:
- In Users/Members, moderation action for the newly resubscribed users shows as "None". Is there a method, either in the UI or the command line, to change this to "Default processing" for all users?
I assume you don't want to set
Default action to take when a member posts to the list
to Default Processing because you want new member posts to be held. This is a good practice. To set all members to default processing in mailman shell
OK, thanks
- Although Delivery Mode shows as "Regular" for all users in Users/Members list, clicking on a member's name shows all options such as delivery status, delivery mode, etc., as undefined.
They show as undefined, but if you look at your own settings by selecting
Mailman settings
from the dropdown under your username at the upper right in Postorius, you will see you have Global Mailman preferences, Address-based preferences and List-based preferences. If a list based preference is unset for a list, it falls back to the address based preference for the address and if that's unset, to the global preference.When you as an admin look at a user, you only see the user's list based preferences.
Thanks. This makes sense, but something's wrong with this particular list.
I was able to change preferences using the shell commands you kindly provided. All list member now have regular delivery and default moderation.
However, there's no evidence test messages to the list are going out. (Nondelivery was the reason I was mucking around in the admin panel in the first place.)
The Postfix log shows delivery to the list address.
MM3's smtp.log shows the usual handshake.
However, I do not then see messages going out to subscribers in the Postfix log, and as one of those subscribers I do not receive a copy even though my preferences are set to receive my own posts.
The admin panel shows 0 messages held for moderation.
Another mailing list in the same domain on the same server delivers mail to all subscribers OK.
This is surely config problem on my end, but which log(s) and/or admin panel setting(s) to check?
Thanks again.
Similar question: How to set subscriber options for all members in one go?
Per the above, you only need to set the user's preferences if they don't have address based preferences and the preference differs from the global (default) preferences.
However, if you want to set the member's list preferences, you could add to the beginning of the above:
>>> from mailman.interfaces.member import DeliveryMode, DeliveryStatus >>> english = getUtility(ILanguageManager).get('en')
and to the
loop in the above:... mbr.preferences.acknowledge_posts = False ... mbr.preferences.delivery_mode = DeliveryMode.regular ... mbr.preferences.delivery_status = DeliveryStatus.enabled ... mbr.preferences.hide_address = False ... mbr.preferences.preferred_language = english ... mbr.preferences.receive_list_copy = False ... mbr.preferences.receive_own_postings = True
Or whatever you think these settings should be.
- As a subscriber to this list, I received email notification that I'd been unsubscribed. Where is the control for enabling/disabling subscription notifications?
Settings -> Automatic Responses
Settings/Member Policy/Un-subscription Policy is set to Confirm, but I don't think that's relevant here since I unsubscribed users as the Django superuser.