Abhilash Raj wrote:
What do you see in the logs? Check /opt/mailman/web/logs/ for Mailman-Web logs and /opt/mailman/core/var/logs for the logs of Core.
This is what I found but sporadic:
ERROR 2018-12-22 13:54:07,233 34 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'mailman-web:8000'. You may need to add 'mailman-web' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. ERROR 2018-12-22 13:54:07,252 34 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'mailman-web:8000'. You may need to add 'mailman-web' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. ERROR 2018-12-22 13:54:07,686 34 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'mailman-web:8000'. You may need to add 'mailman-web' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. ERROR 2018-12-22 13:54:07,721 34 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'mailman-web:8000'. You may need to add 'mailman-web' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. ERROR 2018-12-22 13:54:08,447 34 django.security.DisallowedHost Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'mailman-web:8000'. You may need to add 'mailman-web' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
There must be some errors showing up, causing emails to not be archived.
I am not seeing any other errors.
- Do I need mailman-hyperkitty.cfg setup in the /opt/mailman/core directory?
- What ownership/group does the file structure need to be in the /opt/mailman directory? I am wondering if the hyperkitty issue has something to do with permissions?
It seems HK should work out of the box with your docker setup if I read your documentation correctly. Is that correct?
At this moment I am dead in the water. Is there anyway to try to test the archiving and see if the logs shows an error using the tail -f command?