On Sep 23, 2017, at 10:36, David Krantz <gazorg@gmail.com> wrote:
- I do not know how to force a cache invalidation on a template. So only way to change is to set a new name on the file and change the uri there. Unpractical. No, restarts do not work.
With Mark’s help you figured out how to use file templates, which is probably best for your use case. URL templates will be best when using a CMS or other system that allows you to upload templates into them. I can imagine Postorius one day supporting this feature.
The way to do cache invalidation for the template you added to the database would be (let’s say for mailing list alpha@example.com):
$ mailman shell -l alpha@example.com Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell The variable 'm' is the alpha@example.com mailing list
getUtility(ITemplateManager).delete('list:member:generic:footer', m.list_id)
More information is provided here:
https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/blob/master/src/mailman/interfaces/templa... http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/rest/docs/templates.html
Cheers, -Barry