On 11/24/21 2:36 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 11/24/21 9:40 AM, David Newman wrote:
IMO post-installation docs for list admins would be a big help in Mailman3 adoption. I'm willing to help with this.
Thank you for being willing to contribute. I think the place for list admin docs would be in the https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman-suite-doc project which is the source for https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/. There is currently a userguide there at source/userguide.rst and referenced from source/index.rst. the addition of an adminguide.rst would be welcom if you want to work on that.
Thanks, will get into this ASAP. Am happy to contribute once I acquire a bit more clue.
When I say "working": I'm looking to migrate Mailman2 mailing lists to Mailman3, but am struggling with even basic setup tasks before we attempt list migtration.
For example, on admin page I've set up two lists, one public and one private (each with unique list IDs), but neither appear in the site's list index.
Here are the steps to migrate a 2.1 list named
and its archives.run Mailman's
bin/mailman create alist@example.com
follow that with
bin/mailman import21 alist@example.com /path/to/mailman2.1/lists/alist/config.pck
That will create the list and import its members and settings.
To import archives run the Django admin command with arguments
hyperkitty_import -l alist@example.com /path/to/mailman2.1/archives/private/alist.mbox/alist.mbox
Good up to here, but ... hyperkitty_import not found.
This wasn't covered in the venv docs:
or in the web frontend docs [1]:
or in the howto Brian Carpenter (RIP) wrote for Debian 10:
Also, I had previously created two other lists under the site admin page. These do not appear in the site's mailing lists page, nor does the list I successfully imported from MM 2.1 appear in the admin page, under mailing lists.
> And I don't know where to add list members. For imported lists, they are already added, but for new lists, you can add them in Postorius under Mass operations -> Mass subscribe or via the bin/mailman commands `addmembers` or `syncmembers`. See https://docs.mailman3.org/projects/mailman/en/latest/src/mailman/commands/docs/commands.html > And clicking the site archives link throws this error: > > django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'hk_list_overview' > with keyword arguments '{'mlist_fqdn': 'wheee'}' not found. 1 > pattern(s) tried: ['archives/list/(?P<mlist_fqdn>[^/@]+@[^/@]+)/$'] Did you specify the list's fqdn as in https://www.example.com/archives/list/list@example.com/
No. I clicked the archives icon at the top of a Postorious page. This is possibly related to the hyperkitty_import issue above.
Thanks again.
[1] In addition to the web frontend docs, there is also a hyperkitty docs page:
I found this page unhelpful. For example it starts with this command:
sudo python setup.py install
but doesn't say where setup.py resides, or which directory the command should be run from. (And yes, different OSs use different locations. I'd setting for one being named, along with a YMMV disclaimer.)
Then this doc goes to database setup, with this example:
django-admin migrate --pythonpath example_project --settings settings
Again, this is unclear. I don't know what "example_project" is, or in what context it's used here.
This doc also describes a different, and less straightforward, import-from-2.1 procedure than Mark described above.
It's possible the hyperkitty doc is now outdated. I'd be glad to help bring the various different install guides together and update them -- once I better understand how they work. Thanks.